General Analysis and First Conclusions.
General Analysis and First Conclusions.
The first research is part of the sector study and involves the identification of all the solvable problems and the development of the existing functional strenghts.
We have identified some parameters to be respected in order for the device not to be too heavy or too cumbersome.

Concept Design.
This is the creative phase: we analyse innovative forms, alternative materials and technologies, the constructive layout and the best functional conditions.
During this phase, we define all the constructive details, both aesthetic and technical, without anticipating the phase of 3d engineering.
In this case, the customer considered it appropriate to add a 2nd phase of design refinement.
Concept Design.

Design Refinement.
During this phase, we define all the constructive details, both aesthetic and technical, without anticipating the phase of 3d engineering.
In this case, the customer considered it appropriate to add a 2nd phase of design refinement.

3D Engineering and Prototyping.
This is the phase of the project where all the previous analysis translate into technical details and 3D models, that will be the basis of the production.
3D Engineering and Prototyping.
This is the phase of the project where all the previous analysis translate into technical details and 3D models, that will be the basis of the production.